One Poem, Eight Rejections

“Your use of metaphor jumps off the cliff of excess into the sea of confusion.”    
     --  Tamped Down: The Pipe Smoker's Quarterly.

“Too much rough stuff for us.”  -- Warm Porridge  Review

"Too tame for our readers."  -- Slap and Tickle

“Derivative.” -- Jazz Is A Poem/ Poetry is Jazz

“Oops, bad timing I'm afraid as we've lost our grant money, and our poetry editor went back to school to retrain in digital media, but if it's any consolation, we would have published this.” -- Wichita Community Center Newsletter.

"This has a certain energy that crossed the brain-blood barrier and continued on, into the unknown. Do you suppose you could make the female protagonist a salamander rather than a human?"  -- Amphibious World

“Not quite there. Do try again.”  -- ASKANCE!

“As if!” -- The New Yorker


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